Thursday, October 04, 2007

Written In Stone

Here lies the story of warning. Heed my words, let my story be told.

Our people lived on Great Plain around the mysterious pillars of stone. Our elders never questioned why, but I was curious. I had to know why these stone pillars were placed upon the center of Great Plain. I was of adult age; it was time.

The white ball of light was free from darkness and gratefully guided my way. Standing in the center of the great stone pillars, I was surrounded. Countless skinny beams of light shot out of the pillars onto me. My body felt hot. Pain struck through my entire body. Suddenly, I felt as light as a bird. An eerie coldness swam through me, the sky shown an unforgiving black. There were no small white balls, no gray floating flowers, and no white ball of light. For some reason amidst this darkness I was able to see.

BANG! FLASH! Millions of twinkling small white balls surrounded me. In the center, a large bright fireball was the origin of this scene. But, there was a curious blue dot moving around the fireball. My body involuntarily flew on its own. As I flew, I got closer to the curious blue ball. The closer I got, the more I saw. Blue turned into to blue and green. Green turned into to Great Plain.

The great ball of fire hung in the sky. Still clueless as to my status, I suddenly felt great shaking. Boom! Boom! Each shake left my body powerless. I tried to flee, but my feet did not listen. A figure of great stone approached. Behind this great figure of stone were beings of my small size. In fact, they were very much like me! I blinked and the scene was gone. Then I saw the beings hurting the great figure of stone. Red fires of hatred and greed burned in there eyes. I wanted to help the great figure but my feet did not listen.

An unforgiving black hole in the center of Great Plain opened up. Great winds flew fast and furiously. The great ball of fire was eaten up by darkness. The great figure tried to shield the beings that were trying to hurt him, but failed. The unforgiving black hole closed. All was calm again. The great figure of stone wept in agony and fell apart. Each piece of the great figure fell onto Great Plain, forming a ring of stone pillars.

My vision slowly faded out. I felt heavy and cold. I opened my eyes. The ball of fire hung in the sky. I needed to tell my people. But then, I saw an older version of my brother charging at me. His eyes filled of the same red fires of hatred and greed I had seen before. I attempted to run for help, but I was surrounded. The whole tribe seemed to have gone through a horrible change. I was so confused.

My people tried to charge, but could not enter the ring of great stone pillars.

To my dismay, the great ball of fire was slowly being swallowed up. My hands moved on their own. They wrote of a story of warning:

It was never know how our Great Mother came to be. It was never know why Great Mother brought us to life. It was never known why these great pillars of stone were placed in the center of Great Plain. It was never known why a ball of fire hangs in the sky. It was never known… until our destruction of hatred and greed was told.

A merciless black hole opened beneath me.

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